A Waqf Share

Service Description H

Service Description H

This service allows individuals to receive a contribution of a certain amount, the proceeds of which are for the benefit of a specific benefactor or any charitable work for which he wishes to pay his endowment contribution.

Steps To Follow H

Steps To Follow H

1. The customer applies for a contribution of a certain amount, either by paying in cash or through the endowment share account in the bank.
2. The Ministry shall provide the beneficiary with a receipt of the donated amount.
3. The Ministry takes the necessary measures to benefit from the amounts deposited in the charitable and endowment side.

Special Terms H

Special Terms H

A- Conditions of Shareholder:
To be eligible to donate in accordance with the legal eligibility criteria.
- That his will is correct and free from defects when paying the endowment contribution.
To meet the legal age.
To be an Omani or a citizen of the Cooperation Council countries.
B- Conditions for Contributed Money:
It must be usable property.
To be owned by the shareholder.
- It must be known to the shareholder when paying the contribution.
C- Conditions of the shareholder:
- To be a righteous side.
The shareholder must be legally permissible.

Required Docs H

Required Docs H

Principal of payment check in case of no bank transfer or cash payment.

Other Details H

Other Details H

Time H:

one minute

Fee H:

Does not require fees.
وقف مسجد الفتاح جل جلاله بولاية العامرات
The endowment of Al-Fatah Mosque in the state of Al-Amerat
Waqf Details
م ط و ن 003531
أوقاف مسجد الفتاح جلا جلالة(رقم الحصر 26) ولاية العامرات
أوقاف مسجد الفتاح جلا جلالة(رقم الحصر 26) ولاية العامرات
Full Name Mobile Number Is Agent
فتح نافذة خير وبركة تحمل الصفة الرسمية وبشكل منظم لاستثمار أموال الخيرين الذين يرغبون في وقف أموالهم النقدية والعينية لكافة أعمال البر
Opening a window of goodness and blessing that bears the official status and in an organized manner to invest the funds of charitable people who wish to endow their cash and in-kind funds for all charitable works
- المشاركة العينية : كالمباني والأراضي التجارية والسكنية والصناعية والزراعية. - المشاركة النقدية بما تجود به نفوس الخيريين.
In-kind participation: such as commercial, residential, industrial and agricultural buildings and lands. - Critical participation with the generous souls of charitable people.
كل ما يرد إلى حسابات المشروع من أموال فهو وقف نقدي ، لا يصرف ، إنما يثمر ثم يصرف ريعه وأرباحه . - وما يتبرع به أفراد المجتمع من الأشياء العينية فهو من قبيل الوقف النقدي ، الذي يتحرى قيمته النقدية عند تاريخ وقفه.
All money that is returned to the accounts of the project is a cash endowment that is not spent, but rather bears fruit and then its proceeds and profits are spent. In-kind donations by members of the community are considered cash endowments, whose monetary value is investigated at the date of the endowment.
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WhatsApp Image 2023-08-27 at 1.59.28 PM.jpeg
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WhatsApp Image 2023-08-27 at 1.59.28 PM.jpeg
104 KB