A Waqf Share

Service Description H

Service Description H

This service allows individuals to receive a contribution of a certain amount, the proceeds of which are for the benefit of a specific benefactor or any charitable work for which he wishes to pay his endowment contribution.

Steps To Follow H

Steps To Follow H

1. The customer applies for a contribution of a certain amount, either by paying in cash or through the endowment share account in the bank.
2. The Ministry shall provide the beneficiary with a receipt of the donated amount.
3. The Ministry takes the necessary measures to benefit from the amounts deposited in the charitable and endowment side.

Special Terms H

Special Terms H

A- Conditions of Shareholder:
To be eligible to donate in accordance with the legal eligibility criteria.
- That his will is correct and free from defects when paying the endowment contribution.
To meet the legal age.
To be an Omani or a citizen of the Cooperation Council countries.
B- Conditions for Contributed Money:
It must be usable property.
To be owned by the shareholder.
- It must be known to the shareholder when paying the contribution.
C- Conditions of the shareholder:
- To be a righteous side.
The shareholder must be legally permissible.

Required Docs H

Required Docs H

Principal of payment check in case of no bank transfer or cash payment.

Other Details H

Other Details H

Time H:

one minute

Fee H:

Does not require fees.
السهم الوقفي لولاية نزوى
The endowment share of Nizwa
Waqf Details
د خ و ن 026225
السهم الوقفي بولاية نزوى ارض سكني تجاري بمنطقة الغافتين بولاية نزوى
السهم الوقفي بولاية نزوى ارض سكني تجاري بمنطقة الغافتين بولاية نزوى
Full Name Mobile Number Is Agent
فتح المجال لعموم أفراد المجتمع وإتاحة الفرصة لهم للمشاركة والمساهمة بقدر ما يتيسر لهم من أسهم نقدية أو عينية لتصبح أصلا وقفيا لهم إلى يوم القيامة.
Opening the way for all members of society and giving them the opportunity to participate and contribute as much as they can from cash or in-kind shares to become an endowment asset for them until the Day of Resurrection
- جميع الأسهم بجميع صورها ، سواء كانت نقدية أو عينية ، هي أصول وقفية لا تنفق على أغراض الوقف، بل تنفق ريعها بعد الاستثمار. - الحصة الوقفية في طور التأسيس وصناعة أصول الوقف، - عدم التسرع في النتائج والإنفاق لتحقيق أهدافها المحددة وتشمل حصة الوقف عموم القرى والنيابات التابعة لولاية نزوى.
All shares in all their forms, whether cash or in-kind, are endowment assets that are not spent on endowment purposes, but their proceeds are spent after investment. The endowment share is in the process of being established and the manufacture of endowment assets, Do not rush to results and spend to achieve their set goals The endowment share includes all villages and prosecutors of the state of Nizwa.
باب المشاركة في السهم الوقفي يظل مفتوحا وليس محددا بزمن؛ ولذا يمكن لمن أراد الإسهام بتحويل بنكي مستمر أن يقوم بذلك حسب المبلغ الذي يحدده.
The door for participation in the endowment share remains open and is not limited to a time. Therefore, anyone who wants to contribute with a continuous bank transfer can do so according to the amount that he determines.
Original File Name Preview Content Type Content Length
وكالة السهم الوقفي 11-Aug-2020 09-12-04.pdf وكالة السهم الوقفي 11-Aug-2020 09-12-04.pdf
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