A Waqf Share

Service Description H

Service Description H

This service allows individuals to receive a contribution of a certain amount, the proceeds of which are for the benefit of a specific benefactor or any charitable work for which he wishes to pay his endowment contribution.

Steps To Follow H

Steps To Follow H

1. The customer applies for a contribution of a certain amount, either by paying in cash or through the endowment share account in the bank.
2. The Ministry shall provide the beneficiary with a receipt of the donated amount.
3. The Ministry takes the necessary measures to benefit from the amounts deposited in the charitable and endowment side.

Special Terms H

Special Terms H

A- Conditions of Shareholder:
To be eligible to donate in accordance with the legal eligibility criteria.
- That his will is correct and free from defects when paying the endowment contribution.
To meet the legal age.
To be an Omani or a citizen of the Cooperation Council countries.
B- Conditions for Contributed Money:
It must be usable property.
To be owned by the shareholder.
- It must be known to the shareholder when paying the contribution.
C- Conditions of the shareholder:
- To be a righteous side.
The shareholder must be legally permissible.

Required Docs H

Required Docs H

Principal of payment check in case of no bank transfer or cash payment.

Other Details H

Other Details H

Time H:

one minute

Fee H:

Does not require fees.
وقف مسجد الإمام محمد بن عبدالله الخليلي بمنطقة مرتفعات العامرات بولاية العامرات
waqaf masjid al'iimam Muhammad bin Abdullah Al Khalili the Al Amerat Heights area in the Wilayat of Al Amerat
Waqf Details
م ط و ض 032563
وقف مسجد الإمام محمد بن عبدالله الخليلي بمنطقة مرتفعات العامرات بولاية العامرات
وقف مسجد الإمام محمد بن عبدالله الخليلي بمنطقة مرتفعات العامرات بولاية العامرات
Full Name Mobile Number Is Agent
المساهمة لبناء المسجد
Contribute to building the mosque
أ- شروط المساهم: - أن يكون أهلا للتبرع وفق ضوابط الأهلية الشرعية. - أن تكون إرادته صحيحة خالية من العيوب عند دفع المساهمة الوقفية. - أن يستوفي السن القانوني. - أن يكون عماني الجنسية أو من مواطني دول مجلس التعاون. ب- شروط المال المساهم به: - أن يكون مالا متقوما قابلا للانتفاع. - أن يكون مملوكا للمساهم. - أن يكون معلوما لدى المساهم علما نافيا للجهالة عند دفع المساهمة. ج- شروط المساهم له: - أن يكون جهة بر. - أن يكون المساهم له مباحا شرعا. الوثائق المطلوبة
A- Shareholder Conditions: To be qualified to donate according to the legal eligibility criteria. - That his will be correct and free of defects when paying the endowment contribution. To meet the legal age. To be an Omani citizen or a citizen of the GCC countries. B- Conditions for the money contributed: It must be usable money. - To be owned by the shareholder. It should be known to the contributor, excluding ignorance, when paying the contribution. C- Conditions for the contributor: - To be a righteous party. The shareholder must be legally permissible. The required documents
1. يتقدم العميل بطلب المساهمة بمبلغ معين إما بالدفع نقدا أو عن طريق حساب السهم الوقفي في البنك. 2. تقوم الوزارة بتسليم المستفيد إيصال بالمبلغ المتبرع به. 3. تتخذ الوزارة الإجراءات اللازمة للاستفادة من المبالغ المودعة في الجانب الخيري والوقفي. احكام خاصة بالخدمة
1. The customer submits a request to contribute a certain amount, either by paying in cash or through the endowment share account in the bank. 2. The Ministry will hand over the beneficiary a receipt for the donated amount. 3. The Ministry shall take the necessary measures to benefit from the amounts deposited on the charitable and endowment side. Terms of service
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WhatsApp Image 2023-06-17 at 5.18.34 PM.jpeg
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WhatsApp Image 2023-06-17 at 5.18.34 PM.jpeg
166 KB