A Waqf Share

Service Description H

Service Description H

This service allows individuals to receive a contribution of a certain amount, the proceeds of which are for the benefit of a specific benefactor or any charitable work for which he wishes to pay his endowment contribution.

Steps To Follow H

Steps To Follow H

1. The customer applies for a contribution of a certain amount, either by paying in cash or through the endowment share account in the bank.
2. The Ministry shall provide the beneficiary with a receipt of the donated amount.
3. The Ministry takes the necessary measures to benefit from the amounts deposited in the charitable and endowment side.

Special Terms H

Special Terms H

A- Conditions of Shareholder:
To be eligible to donate in accordance with the legal eligibility criteria.
- That his will is correct and free from defects when paying the endowment contribution.
To meet the legal age.
To be an Omani or a citizen of the Cooperation Council countries.
B- Conditions for Contributed Money:
It must be usable property.
To be owned by the shareholder.
- It must be known to the shareholder when paying the contribution.
C- Conditions of the shareholder:
- To be a righteous side.
The shareholder must be legally permissible.

Required Docs H

Required Docs H

Principal of payment check in case of no bank transfer or cash payment.

Other Details H

Other Details H

Time H:

one minute

Fee H:

Does not require fees.
وقف خيري لمسجد الفلق
وقف خيري لمسجد الفلق
Waqf Details
ش ب و ن 031132
وقف مسجد الفلق بمرتفعات خضراء آل بورشيد بالسويق (مسجد بناء جديد)
وقف مسجد الفلق بمرتفعات خضراء آل بورشيد بالسويق (مسجد بناء جديد)
Full Name Mobile Number Is Agent
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وكالة عن مسجد الفلق 2023م.pdf وكالة عن مسجد الفلق 2023م.pdf
502 KB